Seminars |
Labeling schemes for bounded degree graphsNoy Rotbart 20 September 2013 14h00Geometry behind Art : Tessellations, Reversibilities and Decompositions of PolyhedraJin Akiyama 5 October 2012 14h30Time-space tradeoffs for width-parameterized SATPeriklis A. Papakonstantinou 29 June 2012 14h30A new algorithm for the Orthogonal Packing ProblemPetru Valicov 25 May 2012 15h00Un algorithme exponentiel pour l'étiquetage L(2,1) de graphesMathieu Liedloff 25 May 2012 14h00A new graph parameter and its relation to approximation properties of graph H-colouringJohan Thapper 4 May 2012 14h30Finite obstructions to graph partitionsPavol Hell 13 April 2012 14h30Arbres enrichisDaniele Gardy 17 February 2012 14h30Une preuve courte d'un résultat de choisissabilité dans les graphes planairesNathann Cohen 3 February 2012 14h30An Efficient Quantum Algorithm for some Instances of the Group Isomorphism ProblemFrancois Le Gall 7 October 2010 11h00Quantum State Tomography, Compressed Sensing, and Matrix Product StatesYi-Kai Liu 28 September 2010 14h00Better Bell inequality violations from theoretical computer scienceRonald de Wolf 14 September 2010 15h30Habilitation: Calcul QuantiqueJulia Kempe 14 September 2010 11h00Information Cost Tradeoffs for AUGMENTED INDEXAmit Chakrabarti 7 September 2010 11h00Strong NP-hardness of the Quantum Separability ProblemSevag Gharibian 17 August 2010 15h00The positive definite Grothendieck problem with rank constraintJop Briet 17 August 2010 11h00Fast Robust Regression in Data StreamsDavid Woodruff 13 July 2010 11h00The detectability lemma and the area lawUmesh Vazirani 9 July 2010 11h00Multi-nonlocality : how can we characterize the quantum correlations of entangled independent sources ?Denis Rosset 1 July 2010 11h00Lower bounds for solving concurrent reachabiltiy games using strategy iterationPeter Bro Miltersen 29 June 2010 14h00Online Set PackingBoaz Patt-Shamir 29 June 2010 11h00Two-source extractors secure against quantumJulia Kempe 8 June 2010 14h00Lower Bounds for k-CLIQUE on Random GraphsBen Rossman 28 May 2010 14h00Motifs et classes de permutations : le point de vue des arbres de décompositionMathilde Bouvel 4 May 2010 10h00Expressions booléennes aléatoires et fonctions booléennesAntoine Genitrini 13 April 2010 10h00Interactive Hashing and BB84 statesTakeshi Koshiba 30 March 2010 11h30Scheduling strategies for efficient interruptible algorithmsSpyros Angelopoulos 9 March 2010 11h00Evasiveness and the Music of PrimesRaghav Kulkarni 3 March 2010 14h00On the performance of approximate equilibria in congestion gamesGiorgos Christodoulou 12 February 2010 11h00Universal Cycles, 2-Radius Sequences, and Fetching Huge Objects into Small MemoryYeow Meng CHEE 4 February 2010 14h30Destructive rule-based properties and first-order logicDavid Duris 4 February 2010 13h30Near-optimal extractors against quantum storageThomas Vidick 14 January 2010 14h00An Efficient Algorithm for Replicating Data in Modern NetworksMauro Sozio 24 November 2009 14h00Classical and Quantum Fanouts have the same PowerSimon Perdrix 12 November 2009 14h00Information Flow in Secret Sharing ProtocolsDamian Markham 5 November 2009 14h00Tight bound for Gap Hamming DistanceOded Regev 15 October 2009 14h00Using Merlin to Estimate Histograms and Recursively Find Collisions, with ApplicationsDavid Xiao 1 October 2009 14h00SZK Proofs for Black Box Group ProblemsBireswar Das 17 September 2009 14h00On quantum mechanics over the realsMatthew McKague 15 September 2009 11h30Network Games with Quantum StrategiesGiannicola Scarpa 7 September 2009 11h30Two-message quantum interactive proofs are in PSPACE.Rahul Jain 9 July 2009 14h00Correlation Clustering with Noisy Input.Claire Mathieu 9 July 2009 11h30Approximate Clustering without the Approximation AlgorithmAnupam Gupta 25 June 2009 10h00An introduction to "continuous variable" quantum informationBarry Sanders 23 June 2009 15h30The Quantum Prisoners Multilemma, and other quantum games.McGettrick, Michael 19 June 2009 11h30Online Scheduling of Bounded Length Jobs to Maximize ThroughputChristoph Durr 11 June 2009 11h30Des piles de sable aux automates de sableBenoît Masson 7 May 2009 14h30Hidden Polynomial Function GraphsTHOMAS DECKER 7 May 2009 11h30Couplages parfaits dans les graphes cubiquesLouis Esperet 30 April 2009 14h00Algorithme d'approximation pour l'ordonnancement on-line de tâches avec pénalitésNicolas Thibault 10 April 2009 11h30TBAMarion Le Gonidec 9 April 2009 14h00Analyse statistique pour Markov Decision Processes et Automates ProbabilistesMathieu Tracol 9 April 2009 11h30Autour des surpartitions et des identités de type Rogers-RamanujanOlivier Mallet 2 April 2009 11h30On the Black-box Complexity of PAC LearningDaviv Xiao 10 March 2009 11h30Unique Games with Entangled Provers are EasyOded Regev 26 February 2009 11h30Efficient Isomorphism Testing for a Class of Group ExtensionsFrancois le Gall 20 February 2009 14h00The Compressible Web: An Ounce of Knowledge for a Ton of Data?Alessandro Panconesi 30 January 2009 11h30Approximation Algorithms on Bounded Dimensional Metric SpacesHubert Chan 18 December 2008 11h30Rounding Parallel Repetitions of Unique GamesDavid Steurer 11 December 2008 11h30On unconditional deterministic polynomial factorization over finite fieldsGabor Ivanyos 9 December 2008 11h30Total positivity, matroids, and polytopesAlex Postnikov 27 November 2008 11h30Information Theoretic Approaches to Whole Genome PhylogeniesBenny Chor 13 November 2008 11h30Property Testing in the Underlying Graph ModelOded Lachish 6 November 2008 11h30Finding optimal flow efficientlySimon Perdrix 30 October 2008 11h30On the hitting times of quantum versus random walksPeter Richter 16 October 2008 11h30Random algorithms for recognizing black-box groupsPeter P. Palfy 2 October 2008 11h30Expander Flows, Graph Spectra and Graph SeparatorsUmesh Vazirani 1 July 2008 15h00Sampling-Based Algorithms for Dimension ReductionAmit Deshpande 1 July 2008 11h30Making Classical Zero Knowledge Protocols Secure Against Quantum AttacksPranab Sen 26 June 2008 11h30Molecular algorithms: combining efficiency with robustnessAshish Goel 20 June 2008 11h30Lower Bounds for Satisfiability and Related Problems (Part II)Dieter van Melkebeek 12 June 2008 11h30Lower Bounds for Satisfiability and Related ProblemsDieter van Melkebeek 5 June 2008 14h00Disjointness is hard in the multi-party number-on-the-forehead modelTroy Lee 20 May 2008 14h00Mechanism design for scheduling unrelated machinesElias Koutsoupias 19 May 2008 11h30Loss-tolerant quantum coin flippingGilles Brassard 9 May 2008 14h30Quantum Cellular AutomataVincent Nesme 29 April 2008 11h30A strongly polynomial algorithm for finding optimal policies for one dimensional Markov decision processesGuy Even 17 April 2008 11h30Cuts, Embeddings and FlowsNisheeth Vishnoi 10 April 2008 11h30Mixing on Random GraphsAllan Sly 3 April 2008 11h30Hierarchical Graph Decompositions for Minimizing CongestionHarald Raecke 20 March 2008 11h30Design and Analysis of Classic and Quantum Network CodingKazuo Iwama 25 February 2008 16h30PSPACE has one round quantum multiprover interactive proofsKeiji Matsumoto 25 February 2008 15h05Entanglement and Multi-Prover Interactive Proof SystemsHirotada Kobayashi 25 February 2008 14h00Underapproximation for Model-Checking Based on Universal CircuitsArie Matsliah 18 February 2008 11h00On divergence Information (Lecture 2)Ashwin Nayak 14 February 2008 11h30On Divergence InformationAshwin Nayak 7 February 2008 11h30Impossibility of a Quantum Speed-up with a Faulty OracleOded Regev 29 January 2008 11h30Lower bounds for solving concurrent reachabiltiy games using strategy iterationPeter Bro Miltersen 29 June 2001 14h00
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