Logiciel Glucose |
Glucose - The solver that looks for glue clauses
Date de dernière version : 01 janvier 2013
Responsable : SIMON Laurent
Glucose is based on a new scoring scheme (well, not so new now) for the clause learning mechanism, based our IJCAI'09 paper. This page summarizes the techniques embedded in the competition 09 version of glucose. Solver's name is a contraction of the concept of "glue clauses", a particular kind of clauses that glucose detects and preserves during search. Glucose is heavily based on Minisat, so please do cite Minisat also if you want to cite Glucose.
Pour en savoir plus: https://www.lri.fr/~simon/?page=glucose
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SIMON Laurent
Equipe Données et Connaissances Massives et Hétérogènes
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