Séminaire Digiteo, 3/6/2015, Andrew Tolmach |
Séminaire Digiteo, 3/6/2015, Andrew Tolmach 03 juin 2015
Professeur, Portland State University, and Digiteo chair
A Theory of Name Resolution
10:30, Amphi Digiteo Moulon (Bât 660) |
Lecturer: Andrew Tolmach Affiliation: Professor at Portland State University, and Digiteo chair TItle: A Theory of Name Resolution Abstract: Name resolution is pervasive in programming language design and implementation, but it has not received proper attention as an independent task. This talk will describe a new language-independent approach to defining program binding structure and name resolution, suitable for languages with complex scoping rules including both lexical scoping and modules. The approach is based on scope graphs, a simple, language-independent, and easily visualized representation of program binding structure. The talk will give a gentle introduction to scope graphs by means of examples, and describe the language-independent resolution theory and tools that they enable. (Joint work with Pierre Neron, Eelco Visser and Guido Wachsmuth at Technical University of Delft.) Short bio: Andrew Tolmach is Professor of Computer Science at Portland State University, and holds a Digiteo Chair at Université Paris-Sud for the 2014-15 year. His interests are in programming languages, verification, compilers, tools, and applications. His current research is focused on on proof engineering and high-assurance systems software development. His past publications, mostly about functional languages, include work on debugger implementation, garbage collection, compilation, integration with logic languages, and lazy functional algorithms. |
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