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test de logiciel, vérification et validation
test de logiciel, vérification et validation test de logiciel, vérification et validation
01 janvier 1970

La 3ème conférence "test de logiciel, vérification et validation" (équipe ForTesSe) se tiendra du 6 au 10 avril prochain, à paris.
Testing, verification and validation activities are already flourishing areas with an active participation of a large community of researchers, experts, and industrialists. This community is highly aware of the importance and impact of testing on the future deployment and use of software and software intensive systems.
As a leading testing conference ICST has been very successful in bringing industry and research together to help shape the future of testing. ICST conferences have raised and provoked many new important issues and challenges for this area, driving and focusing research activities, as well as, the evolution of testing practices within industry.
 In 2010, the conference will take place in Paris at Telecom ParisTech from Tuesday April 6th to Saturday April 10th. The conference itself will be held on April 7th, 8th, and 9th. The first and last days will be devoted to ten associated workshops.

Pour en savoir plus:
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