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Home > Groups > Research activities > Real-time networks
Research activities: Real-time networks
In a real-time constrained network, some of the applications coexisting in the network require temporal guarantees to have a behavior compliant with their specifications (e.g. voice over IP, control-command applications, multimedia applications, distributed interactive games). To be certified as secure, a hard real-time network such as in nuclear power plants or on board airplanes have to verify several properties, especially the following: In normal functioning, every transmitted packet reaches the right destination in a bounded time. To provide deterministic guarantees on these times, a formal method (called the trajectory approach) has been proposed. This is based on the scheduling theory and provides accurate bounds computed mathematically.

  Networking & Stochastic and Combinatorial Optimization

Joint Inria project teams

Research highlights

Contracts & grants
  CIFRE 998/2009

Software & patents


  MARTIN Steven

Ph.D. dissertations & Faculty habilitations

Research activities