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Research activities: Mobile networks
A MONET (Mobile NETwork) is an entire network that changes, as a unit, its point of attachment to the Internet and thus its reachability within the topology. Possible applications of MONETs are access networks deployed in public transportation (buses, trains, taxis, aircrafts) or networks attached to people Personnel Area Networks or PANs) made of cellular interfaces (cell phone, electronic diary). NEMO (NEtwork MObility) is concerned with managing the mobility of MONET networks and providing a continuous network access to all nodes within it in order to maintain session continuity while moving.

Our work aims to show that the Mobile-IPv4 and Mobile-IPv6 protocols, which manage node mobility in the Internet, cannot support efficiently a MONET MObile NETwork. Thus, we have proposed an extension to Mobile-IPv6 that uses a multicast solution to support MONET mobility and to reduce the control traffic. We are also interested in resource reservation aspects in this kind of networks. In fact, users’ collective movement in NEMOs applications can be quite predictable, e.g., users in a train. Thus, we plan to use resource reservation techniques to provide users with a better quality of service in terms of parameters such as bandwidth and blocking probability.


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  AL AGHA Khaldoun
  DIEZ Nicolas
  AWAL Mohammad Abdul

Ph.D. dissertations & Faculty habilitations
  Distributed Algorithms for Security and Quality of Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
  A Robust and Self-Stabilzing Hierarchical Routing Protocol for dynamic networks

Research activities